How To Use JoyaToes In Your Yoga Practice
Learn the benefits of incorporating JoyaToes Toe Spreaders in your yoga practice.
As you can see from Image A, the child’s foot is open and relaxed, exhibiting a natural ability to connect right through to the tips of the toes. Also notice the gentle arc of each toe line. When the myofascia (soft tissue) is balanced, all sides of the joints are evenly t
Image A
In Image B, The joints are no longer evenly supported on all four sides as shown in the child’s foot. This unevenness induces jamming and instability of the bones, resulting in localized muscular tension. In , The joints are no longer evenly supported on all four sides as shown in the child’s foot. This unevenness induces jamming and instability of the bones, resulting in localized muscular tension. In Image B, The joints are no longer evenly supported on all fo
Image B
In Image C, JoyaToes help put the bones of the toes and feet into position. By relaxing your feet and allowing the awareness to penetrate to the ends of your toes you can create the same quality as in the child’s foot.In Image C, Joy-a-Toes help put the bones of the toes and feet into position. By relaxing your feet and allowing the awareness to penetrate to the ends of ing the
Image C
Balancing the myofascial web begins at the tips of the toes. Maintaining your focus on connection to these tips when practicing yoga with your JoyaToes toe spreaders will wake up your feet and bring them back to life. As you can see from the following images, creating this open, connected quality through your feet will begin the process of repairing the myofascial network supporting the entire body. JoyaToes toe spreaders are the most comfortable and versatile toe separators and a highly effective foot ailment and bunion corrector.
Using JoyaToes For All Your Different Yoga Practices